Personal Projects

# Project Name Description Technologies Used
1 is a personal website to publish my resume in web. Onion Architecure Approach, SQL Server, Asp.Net Razor Pages, Entity FrameworkCore
2 Find nearest store Complex service-oriented application that finds nearest store by using zipcode., xml, git, c#, restful services, encryption/hashing, google api.
3 Avayne LLC - Instant Corona Virus Hospital Developed as a provisional hospital solution during disasters, this application facilitates the procurement of medpod units and other essential supplies. the primary objective is to attend to the medical requirements that arise during critical circumstances., xml, git, c#, restful services, encryption/hashing, google api.
4 Path Detector "Path detector" is a java-based application designed to analyze network diagrams and determine all possible paths based on user input. java programming language, eclipse ide